All of my posts this month have been inspired by a desire to extend gratitude to those who are most precious in our life. This week is no different. So to end this month of thankfulness, and honor the spirit of giving, I want to share with you a project that I completed last year for my mother-in-law: a family tree. Since every family is different, I don’t have an exact template to offer, but I’ll share a step-by-step tutorial to make your very own family tree, along with a tree guide. You can download the free tree template at the bottom of this tutorial or click here.
This tree makes a lovely gift, which is just in time for the Christmas gift-giving season! Although it is simple to put together, the most difficult part is the leg-work prior to the art-work, which is why I’m sharing it before December arrives.
The first step is to decide where to begin your family tree, who is part of the tree and what specifics to include. For instance, my example was a gift for my mother-in-law, so it began with her and her husband. Each branch of the tree was one of their children and their spouse. Each branch stretched out to limbs that included grandchildren and leaves to represent great-grandchildren. For marriages I included wedding dates and for grandchildren and great-grandchildren I included birthdates. As you can see, depending on how extended your family is, the planning can be more time consuming than the actual project.
Once you have your information on hand, it's time to begin adding personalization to your tree drawing. If you need a guide to help position names, download the free tree template here. Otherwise, draw a basic tree shape and add family names and details to branches and leaves. If you are using the template, do not copy the branch lines. They are simply guidelines for writing. By the way, if you need instructions on how to transfer the template to your art paper, see my post here.
When you are happy with how it all fits and looks, go over your pencil draft with ink. You can use a calligraphy nib and waterproof ink or a waterproof felt-tipped pen (I like micron).
After the ink is completely dry, gently erase the pencil lines.
Now, it’s time to add just a touch of watercolor for a hint of timeless elegance. I used metallic gold for the leaves only. Feel free to use whatever color and combination you prefer. Once you’ve finished painting, allow your work to completely dry.
This family tree is sure to become a cherished heirloom for years to come. I hope this tutorial has inspired you to create your own timeless treasure. Download the template below to get started on your tree today. (Please note: image below is of my family tree design; the download is the template only.) As always, I’d love to see your artwork. Connect with me on Instagram @amandahermans. Thank you for sharing your time with me!