It seems like everyone these days is blogging! I’ve wanted to share a blog on my website for a while now, but didn’t know how to start or what posts would matter to people. I wanted to add value to the lives of anyone who would read it. So, after a lot of brainstorming, and even more procrastination, I’ve decided to simply get started and see where each post takes me. I have to admit, this is not like me at all. I’m a planner; I like lists and details and schedules, so just winging it makes me nervous. But, I know I’ll never begin if I wait until it’s perfect. It’s like deciding to have children; if you wait until you’re ready, you’ll never be a parent. So much of parenting is on-the-job training.
With all that said, to begin my blog I thought it would be appropriate to explain how I came up with the name, Legacy by Design, for my art and design business.
According to Wikipedia, the term “legacy” is defined as: Something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time. Often it means something handed down from an ancestor or predecessor. Metaphorically, leaving a legacy is planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.
In my mind, I define “legacy” as the foundation of a life well-lived that deserves to be remembered and passed along from one generation to the next, and in my humble opinion, one that glorifies our Creator. That is what I’m hoping to accomplish in my life and in my work. This is one of the main reasons we have decided to homeschool our children. By the way, I’m hoping to include more blog posts about our adventures in homeschooling in the future too!
Legacy building may seem daunting, but it’s sincerely living your best life, filled with the people you love, doing the things you love and sharing as much goodness as possible with the world. It’s not something that you check off of your to do list. It’s not a certain program or plan to follow. It’s truly being the best version of yourself.
Using my artwork as a catalyst to promote legacy building with others in turn builds mine as well. It is my dream to help others capture special moments in their lives through creative art and design elements that they will treasure for years to come. Also, the legacy that I build through my artwork also reflects the design of my Creator. He formed me with special talents and abilities. It is part of my legacy to fulfill my purpose in creating art. It is a legacy crafted by His design.
It is amazing to me to consider all the ways we are each uniquely gifted and most of us on many levels. I will share some of my passions on this blog. I’d love you to join me!
What is your passion? What is it that when you do it, all time disappears? When you look at the clock, and you can’t believe how much time has passed?